Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Frontline Digital Nation Essay

In the last half century of watching television many authors, critic, and people in general has had an opinion on weather watching television is a good thing or a bad thing. In a couple of recent articles that I’ve read one Author Steven Johnson, who wrote â€Å"Watching TV Makes You Smarter†. Tells us of how violent and gruesome shows of this era are as opposed to shows of the past. Steven also tells us of how there are some good shows that actually teach people and helps them to learn in a different way. The second article that I recently read was â€Å"Thinking Outside The Idiot Box† by Dana Stevens. Not only is Dana an author she is also a paid television critic who states that TV does not make us any smarter and that television is â€Å"brain-liquefying poison† for all but especially for children. Dana insist that Steven Johnson theory be put to the test by having everyone partake in a National TV Turnoff Week event to see if anyone gets any dumber. In my opinion Television has many different purposes, such as keeping us updated with the news, educating us on different species/creature inside and outside our planet, but the main purpose for television is soley for entertainment. When Television is being debated whether it is good or bad, I think that it should be taking into consideration just as any other subject we talk about when past/present is involved, and that consideration is â€Å"Evolution-Things forever evolving or changing†. Take for insistence the way countries would defend their land. In the 1700s militaries fought with swords, in the  1800s militaries were introduce too and fought with muffle rifles and one shot hand guns in which were probably a headache to deal with considering they could only fire their gun once and 2 step process to reload the guns, in the 1900s militaries fought with rockets, missiles, and nuclear bombs and today militaries have perfected the rockets, missiles, and nuclear bombs. â€Å"Evolution†, just as militaries have evolved over the past centuries so has our everyday life. If you can remember back when you was a adolescence the things that you did and/or cared about then such as playing outside with your friends all the time, getting junk food from the store, or just living a carefree world for the most part. As a teenager those adolescence things become less important to you because you are probably into dating, driving, sports or some other kind of school activity. When we became adults the things that we once knew really do not exist because we have evolved over the past years. So why would television b any different? In 1939 when the Television was first introduced the screen was black and white and had no sound. Over the years television became colorful, sound was added and the screen got bigger. Now televisions are in 3D huge and flat. In shows of today such as 24 and The Sopranos: Steven Johnson states how violent and gruesome the shows are and how the â€Å"Sleeper Curve† alters the mental development of young people today because you have to integrate far more information than you would have a comparable TV show decades ago. Dana Stevens believes that shows such as 24 and The Sopranos are the â€Å" great leap forward in human cognition: multi-threading† Which makes viewers behave like â€Å"rats in a behaviorist maze†. I believe that people are entitled to watch whatever show they please because that’s what television is for â€Å"entertainment† after working a long shift and attending school I like to go home and kick my feet up with the remote and watch Whatever show that I think is appealing to me at the time whether it’s a comedy, drama, horror, western, or sitcom. Steven Johnson also states in his article about shows associated with â€Å"quality† entertainment shows such as Murphy Brown and Frasierand how the intelligence arrives fully formed and the witty things that the actors say to one another to avoid lapsing into a tired sitcom but says that â€Å"You no more challenge mind by watching these intelligent shows than you challenge your body by watching Monday Night Football†. Steven also states how another televised intelligence is on the rise that has cognitive benefits ascribed to reading: attention, patience, and retention the parsing of narrative threads. Dana Stevens says shows such as The Teletubies which is a children program instructs toddlers the basics of vegging out. She also states how shows are â€Å"zapworthy† and watching TV only teaches us to watch more TV. I say of course TV makes you want to watch more TV but that is the same as if you were reading a good book. After finishing the book you want to read the sequels to that book because your attention has been hooked and you want to know how, when, and were it takes you. Television is the same way but more visual. Besides television is a multibillion dollar company made by the viewers and just for the viewers. In conclusion I have written to you about the â€Å"Evolution† of our past and present society as it may be related to the military, our everyday lives over time, or whether it’s Television. In any case as long the world spins then any/everything inside is subject to change and as this world change there will always be debates about that change. Some say and believe that Television makes people act out with what they see on the screen into reality. I am not one of those believers because television has only been around for 74 years so what/who was the blame for all of the violence and corruption before television was introduced? I do however believe that no Should be allowed to or allow their children to watch TV all day, As I stated earlier its main purpose is meant for entertainment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Kochansak and Aksan

IntroductionCompliance is a word described as the willingness of a person to follow an instruction from another person at a given time. It is a major concern of children’s parents and teachers because compliance will help a child follow simple orders at home by his or her parents and follow rules and regulations in the school.BodyThere are two kinds of compliance according to the book of Kochanska and Aksan, the â€Å"situational compliance† and the â€Å"committed or receptive compliance†; however these kinds of compliance have various distinctions. Situational compliance is based on an expectation of reward and punishment that is why a child obeys the parent even without the sincere commitment and obligation because the child is either afraid of the punishment for not obeying or the child is eager of the reward for obeying. On the other hand committed or receptive compliance is based on the child’s willingness to cooperate; it is of his or her freewill t o do what is asked for him or her to do. Furthermore, the committed or receptive compliance is the more advanced form of compliance and it is associated with the child’s internalization.In the compliance study of Kochanska and Aksan they found out that children found it easier to comply with â€Å"don’t touch† instructions that â€Å"clean up† instructions. The development of compliance is of important value because of its role in the internalization of a child’s moral value, self-control, autonomy and socialization. The second and the third year of a persons life is important for developing these skills, the child’s ability to develop self-regulation starts at this age.This skill of a child comes along with the cognitive capability to understand commands made by their parents and the ability to carry the commands. And there is such a time that when a child becomes more able to comply he or she would be less willing to comply, a function of the child’s increasing autonomy. As the child grows older, he or she becomes more cooperative but with an increasing skill in the use of negotiation strategies, this is to get what he or she wants (Kochanska 1995).In another study it shows that fathers are more direct in their request for compliance; let’s say for example a father will say â€Å"pick up your toys† directly to the child, in this way the children are likely to oblige because of the authority over them. On the other hand mothers are more indirect and more affectionate with regards to their requests for compliance, and they make use of bargain system to make the child obey to what they are requesting; for example mothers would say â€Å"please go to bed now†, â€Å"if you clean your room I will buy the toy that you want†, these are some of the requests mothers make. In this manner the children will likely to comply with their mothers request because of the reward waiting for them or th e affection that they felt (1995).Proposed explanationThere are various thoughts that I want to propose in the findings of Kochanska and Aksan; why the children find it easier to comply with the â€Å"don’t touch† instructions than â€Å"cleaning up† instructions. The reasons I think are as follows.A. it is easier to command a child not to touch things rather than cleaning things up because children do not want to be manipulated and given instructions as of to fix things or to clean things up.B. another aspect is because children thinks it is better not to touch things rather than to bother fixing them and putting them in place after because it is a lot of work to do. Children are of course some kind of lazy and they think that these little tasks are big deal and that they cannot do it.C. Third aspect of this is that children make use of the bargain system to get what they want; for example they would only clean things up if they are given a reward for the task they did. This is situational compliance, in which the child is expecting for something in return for the price of complying.Test DesignWith regards to the proposed explanations above, a test is to be designed to be able to test if the proposed explanations are true or not and if the explanations are accurate or not.In this test we are going to need 20 children of the same age, children who are in the pre-school because children of this stage are more able to comply but less willing to comply. The children would be asked to do 2 things also, either to â€Å"fix their toys and get a reward† or just simply â€Å"sit down and play†. In this way we would be able to know if the children wanted to comply with things because they are going to get something out of it, more likely a situation compliance or if children just simply comply with things because it is what they wanted to do or what we call committed compliance. We ought to ask the 20 children individually which of th e choices they want to oblige.This study aims to know if children of this stage are more of a situation compliance or committed compliance, and this also aims to measure the willingness of the children to comply with little tasks.In the end of the study we would be able to know if the proposed explanations are true if more children fixed their toys for the reward they are going to get.Reference:1. Kochanska, G., Aksan, N.,   (1995). Mother–child mutually positiveaffect, the quality of child compliance to requests andprohibitions, and maternal control as correlates of early internalization.2. Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., & Koenig, A. L. ( 1995). A longitudinalstudy of the roots of preschoolers’ conscience: Committed complianceand emerging internalization. Child Development, 66,1752–1769.


An earthworm can grow only so long. A well-fed adult will depend on what kind of worm it is, how many segments it has, how old it is and how well fed it is. An Lumbricus terrestris will be from 90-300 millimeters long. A worm has no arms, legs or eyes. There are approximately 2,700 different kinds of earthworms. Worms live where there is food, moisture, oxygen and a favorable temperature. If they don’t have these things, they go somewhere else. In one acre of land, there can be more than a million earthworms. The largest earthworm ever found was in South Africa and measured 22 feet from its nose to the tip of its tail. Worms tunnel deeply in the soil and bring subsoil closer to the surface mixing it with the topsoil. Slime, a secretion of earthworms, contains nitrogen. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plants. The sticky slime helps to hold clusters of soil particles together in formations called aggregates. Charles Darwin spent 39 years studying earthworms more than 100 years ago. Worms are cold-blooded animals. Earthworms have the ability to replace or replicate lost segments. This ability varies greatly depending on the species of worm you have, the amount of damage to the worm and where it is cut. It may be easy for a worm to replace a lost tail, but may be very difficult or impossible to replace a lost head if things are not just right. Baby worms are not born. They hatch from cocoons smaller than a grain of rice. The Australian Gippsland Earthworm grows to 12 feet long and can weigh 1-1/2 pounds. Even though worms don’t have eyes, they can sense light, especially at their anterior (front end). They move away from light and will become paralyzed if exposed to light for too long (approximately one hour). If a worm’s skin dries out, it will die. Worms are hermaphrodites. Each worm has both male and female organs. Worms mate by joining their clitella (swollen area near the head of a mature worm) and exchanging sperm. Then each worm forms an egg capsule in its clitellum. Worms can eat their weight each day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Culture of India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Culture of India - Essay Example Religion plays a major role in the way of life of a people. In addition to the fact that it is the second most populous country in the world brings with it a number of challenges when it comes to intercultural communication (Samovar, Porter and McDaniel 13). Cultures have individual perceptions of society, and norms and values affect the manner in which people of varying cultures communicate and understand the world. Inability to understand the difference in culture may cause misunderstanding or hinder communication between people of varying culture. The culture of India is one of the most unique since there is cultural diversity throughout the country. The North, south, and Northeast have unique cultures and their combination has led to development of the Indian culture. It is vital to note that tourism is the most apparent method of intercultural meetings since people of diverse cultures travel to far away lands such as India to learn different cultures. There is normally a difficulty in intercultural communication not only because of the difference in language but also because of the varying attitudes of people of varying culture (Chen and Starosta 9). Through speech humans are able to communicate with each other and to do so they use language. Humans use systems of symbolic communication to pass across messages and the variety in language makes human communication very complex. Language is the most important tool for the transmission of various cultures. It is also the greatest barrier of communication between individuals of different cultures. In India, different states have various official languages identified by the central government. For example east India speaks Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali. India has a wide variety of language but the Central government decided that Hindi was the official language. English is considered globally as the language most understood. However, different cultures speak the language

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Comparing texas Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing texas - Research Paper Example Over the years the numbers have changed considerably in some categories whereas in others Texas seems to be doing considerably well. Take the category for ‘State Taxes’ for example. In 2009 Texas ranked as the 49th country whereas now it is occupies the 46th spot. Moving towards the education sector and state rankings we see Texas’s ‘high school graduate rate’ stands on the 41st spot among all states whereas in 2010 there is a decrease in this rate as Texas drops 2 ranks down and now occupies the 43rd number; showing that the high school graduate rate is dropped in the state or grown sufficiently in the other states. This fact surprised me considerably mostly because when you look at the category ‘Percent of Elementary/Secondary School Funding from State Revenue’, we see in 2009 Texas was on the 47th spot showing the low amount of funding being allocated to the education sector whereas there is a drastic improvement in this aspect as in 2 010 Texas now stands on the 37th spot; which would obviously relay the fact that more funds are being injected into the education sector and yet it is surprising that the high school graduate rate seems to have dropped. ... Obesity in children is an alarmingly increasing problem which is a growing challenge for all states Texas has done reasonably well in this category and I cannot help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment at this feat. That being said ‘the percent of children living in poverty’ has gone up as Texas now ranks 4th which is 3 spots more than it did in 2009. Another area of concern is that of health care. Texas has consistently been ranked on top of the list of states with ‘percent of population uninsured.’ With very minor or no difference in their rank as far as health professionals per capita( Nurses, Physicians and registered nurses) are concerned. As far as the overall environment is concerned Texas seems to be doing considerably bad with no effective implementation of measures to improve the environment. This can be seen in they way Texas has ranked 1 in 2009 and 2011 as having the most amounts of ‘Air Pollution Emissions’, ‘Amount of Volatile Organic Compounds Released into Air’ and ‘Amount of Toxic Chemicals Released into Water’ The three major problems that can be identified by looking at the rankings for Texas over the years are those of: Healthcare, Environment and Education. In the healthcare sector, the category of ‘percent of population uninsured’ is a cause of great concern. In the education sector, the category of ‘high school graduate rate’ with Texas dropping from the 41st rank in 2009 to 43rd in 2010. As far as the environment is concerned, the numerous categories such as ‘air pollution emissions’, ‘amount of volatile organic compounds released into air’ and ‘amount of toxic chemicals released into water’ all seem to have Texas on the number

Saturday, July 27, 2019

BHS 411 Issues of Terrorism Mod 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BHS 411 Issues of Terrorism Mod 3 SLP - Essay Example But there is no knowing what the target of the homicidal maniacs will be the next time around. â€Å"Political terrorism is not likely to disappear from the stage, but viewing it as a theater may help prevent mindless tragedies. Down go the houselights, up goes the curtain, and then—bang. The stage becomes alive with the sounds, the lights and the characters of a highly dramatic performance. The actors are political terrorists, protagonists of much modern tragedy, and their theater is the globe.† (Rubin Z. Jeffrey and Friedland Nehemia; â€Å"Theater of Terror†, Psychology Today; March 1986; p. 240) Whoever can be suspected of sponsoring terrorist attacks on the USA? True, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been consistent in his anti-American stance. It has also been said that he has some mental health problems. But anti-American rhetoric need not necessarily translate into funding of terrorism against the USA. After all, his country is far too close to the USA for him to risk retaliation that could leave Venezuela reduced to rubble. Besides, whether or not he has mental health problems, he is not insane enough not to worry about the oil reserves in his country. Therefore, the obvious suspects need not necessarily prove guilty. Yes, Iran and North Korea are hostile enough to the USA to be expected to train and fund a terrorist attack on the USA, but the former looks far too obsessed with its nuclear ambitions to invite US retaliation; North Korea clearly lacks the resources to fund a terrorist attack. Does that mean the USA is more or less safe? No, it does not, for the very valid reason that international terrorist groups are, by and large, self-sufficient. For instance, not long ago it became known that the money that the oil-rich Saudis had given away in charity had found its way into terrorists’ coffers, and there are some rogue states willing to sell sophisticated arms to terrorist groups, little

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Media and Its Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Media and Its Responsibilities - Essay Example The media has continued to crusade for rights of the minority, better healthcare, improved education standards, environmental conservation in ways that seek to improve the welfare of communities and groups. To this extent, the media remains a formidable force for positive social transformation for the present and future generations. On the negative side, the media has incurred criticisms from groups, individuals, and sections of the society for practices considered generally unethical or harmful to consumers (Ward, 2011). Claims of explicit content reaching children and individuals with sensibilities continue to affect the positive aspects of the media. Moreover, there are increasing concerns of unethical professional practices among journalists and media houses with calls of increased regulation coming from religious organizations and other facets of the society’s leadership. It is important to consider the fact that some of the criminal activities in the society have been blamed on the loose regulations of the media content particularly with regard to uncensored exposure of pornographic materials and violent media content (Ward, 2011). The negative aspects of the media have tended to increase with the increasing regulation of the airwaves and the growth of the information communication and technology i nfrastructure across the globe. Philosophically, a comprehensive analysis of the media and its responsibilities could incorporate the theories of utilitarianism, virtue ethics and deontology. Both the positive and the negative aspects of the media could be assessed in terms of the ethical underpinnings on which the various actions are based. According to the theory of deontology, people should adhere to their obligations and duties, whenever they make decisions and judgments that have the nature of a moral dilemma (Shafer-Landau, 2012; White, 2009). According to this theory, the moral rightness or wrongness of an action

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Logistics Managers Position with the Firm Essay

A Logistics Managers Position with the Firm - Essay Example Throughout the internships summer experiences, I learned that international shipping is more than just filling out paperwork. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to the actual physical work that is involved, the ships that carry the goods, and the high risk of shipping over the ocean rather than by air. Just wearing a tie or nice trousers looks good, but it’s also good to be able to say I loaded the container. I know about commercial ships and ocean travel. In other words, I’ve gotten my hand's dirty learning from the bottom.  Just wearing a tie or nice trousers looks good, but it’s also good to be able to say I loaded the container. I know about commercial ships and ocean travel. In other words, I’ve gotten my hand's dirty learning from the bottom up. My references will confirm that I’m disciplined, energetic, and a quick-learner and feel pretty good about myself gave the economy and hold plentiful knowledge about the position I m applying for. If you have an opening and by going through my professional details you think that I can justify the responsibilities of the concerned job, I would welcome an interview at your convenience.

Evaluating nursing practice through theories and models Essay

Evaluating nursing practice through theories and models - Essay Example Models become necessary when representations of various interactions among different concepts needs to be shown and patterns established. Theories should be able to give nursing practice the foundation it needs in order to develop more knowledge in the area and provide the direction such a nursing professional practice needs to take (Alligood & Tomey, 2002, pp.56-78). The paper looks at these nursing models and theories and in particular addresses the Florence Nightingales Legacy of Caring; Orem Theory and Paplau's Theory and points out their underlying theoretical and evidence base for each of them. The strengths and weakness of each of these theories are also discussed. A case study will be carried out on one of these models and theories to help illustrate its application further. This case study involves how to take care of peripherally inserted central catheter paediatric patients for chemo therapy purpose long term care. The peripheral IV devises are those cannula that are inser ted into a peripheral vein that is small for purposes of therapy in cases where medications, blood products or fluids need to be administered to patients. The peripherally inserted central catheter devices or PICC are usually inserted into brachial veins or basilica or cephalic veins and do get into the large vein or superior vena cava. Little is however known regarding the risk of complications in applying these devices to paediatric patients with cancer who are under chemotherapy (Callaghan, et al., 2002, pp.256-64). This will be further illustrated by taking into account the metaparadigms in nursing application such as infection Control of this condition, relevant education that is needed, health situation, the environmental setting, and the kind of nursing required. A... The objective of this research is to acquire a better insight of nursing models and theories. There are various models that have been put forward in the nursing profession to help in the evidence based practices. Some of these models and theories include, but not limited to, Florence Nightingales Legacy of Caring, Orem’s Theory, Paplau's Theory, Neumans’s Health Care System Model, Myra Estrin Levine’s: The conservation model, and Patricia Benner’s Primacy of caring, among others. Indeed the importance of models and theories in nursing profession cannot be overemphasized because they hold a critical point in the evidence-based nursing practice which cannot be ignored if professional practice is to be upheld. These concepts are very useful in the success of any nursing professional in providing healthcare to his or her patients. The theoretical models discussed above have been used in various medical settings in assisting patients cope and deal with their co nditions. Paediatric patients on chemotherapy need special care. PICCs are a choice for patients who need long-term IV access and many practitioners would choose PICCs due to the fact that they are durable and pose fewer problems when it comes to insertion and their removal after use. There is however a high rate of complication with cancer patients when PICCs are used, especially during chemotherapy. But that aside, the fact that these PICCs do not require a surgical procedure, less pain experienced during insertion, and ease of removing them after use, make PICCs preferred for patients especially paediatric patients under chemotherapy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How does Tesco maintain its lead in the online grocery market Assignment

How does Tesco maintain its lead in the online grocery market - Assignment Example Against this background, this essay seeks to critically evaluate the measures implemented by Tesco in order to maintain its lead in the online grocery market. The paper starts by outlining the historical background of the supermarket chain; this is followed by a detailed analysis of how it harnesses the use of the internet in its operations. Background information about Tesco According to Datamonitor (2004), Tesco PLC is the largest food retailer in the UK and it operates around 2,318 stores worldwide where 1,878 stores are located in the UK. The supermarket chain also operates stores in the rest of Europe and Asia and it is headquartered in Hertfordshire, the UK. The company is comprised of 367,000 employees worldwide (250,000 of them in the UK), sales of more than ?37billion and it has an estimated 30 % of the market share in the grocery industry in the UK. However, Paton (2005) suggests that Tesco now ranges far beyond food, given that it now offers services which include â€Å"b anking, flower delivery, online diets, legal advice, DVD rental and telecoms.† Tesco prides itself in training and retaining talented workers despite criticisms by other sectors of the society. Technological factors Technological development in ICT has immensely contributed to the positive growth of the organisation, especially through the use of the internet. For instance, online shopping has significantly improved the operations of the organisation given that the bulk of its customers can conduct their business in the comfort of their homes. The supermarket chain has fully harnessed the use of the internet in its online grocery market. The supermarket chain is comprised of, a wholly-owned subsidiary offering a complete online service, including and (Datamonitor, 2004). The company is also in a better position to maintain its lead in the online grocery market because it offers a range of online financial services. According to information o btained from (, ND), is regarded as the world’s biggest online supermarket and it is believed that it generates sales worth over ?577 million every year. There are different factors that contribute to the success of Tesco’s online business. Specially designed website Through the use of a specially designed website, Tesco is able to appeal to the interests of many customers as possible regardless of their geographical location. It acts as a global store whereby people from all corners of the world can make purchases online which is a great advantage for the organisation. The other reason for its success in online business is that its website has a catalogue of every product offered, which makes it relatively easier for the customers to do online shopping in the comfort of their homes without any hassle. The website is user friendly given that it is easier to navigate in search of differe nt products. Research has shown that there are more than one million households that use the company’s online services across the whole world and this is seen as a competitive advantage to the company since it is better positioned to receive more revenue from its operations (Datamonitor,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Professionalism in Child and Family Studies Research Paper

Professionalism in Child and Family Studies - Research Paper Example The concepts of the family having changed means that professionals who help couples deal with their problems have to reassess their conceptions of the family as a unit. One of the major interventions in the process of thought in the field of families was the queer family, which according to some developed during the eighties when there was an AIDS scare (O’Connell, 2011). The problems that two people of the same sex may have regarding their marriage have also become a part of what marriage counselors have to deal with. An understanding of the purpose of family education and counseling too is a necessary feature of the job of the professional. He or she has to understand what the family requires out of a session of help. There may be various changes that a family may be looking to bring about, including changes in lifestyle and personal habits, including the setting of certain targets to meet. There may be certain topics that a family may wish to talk of and some that they may want to avoid. The counselor has to keep this in mind while he is performing his duty. Apart from this, his knowledge may not suffice for him to give an opinion on certain matters and help, if rendered in such cases, can be quite harmful. Such cases must be referred to specialists in other fields. Different members of a family may have different opinions regarding the process of learning and while some individuals in a family may prefer to learn on an individual level, there may be others who prefer working as a group. The professional has to take care of such difficulties while dealing with a family. There may also be cultural differences between the different parties involved that may affect the process of learning and these need to be taken into account while the counselor is at work. Understanding a family and helping them would require the members of the family and the professionals who help them

Monday, July 22, 2019

The U.P. Jammers’ Club after Pound for Pound 2010 Essay Example for Free

The U.P. Jammers’ Club after Pound for Pound 2010 Essay U. P Jammers’ Club is an established socio-cultural organization of a well-known university. It was founded on October 8, 1991 and since then, it has brought several musical icons in the music scene. The organization aims to enhance the capabilities and skills of aspiring young musicians and form camaraderie within the group. The organization showcases annual events such as a â€Å"Freshmeat† and Pound for Pound†. The basis of this proposal report is the organization’s event which is entitled â€Å"Pound for Pound†. This activity showcases all the performing bands of the organization and also serves as a yearly evaluation for all of the members of the said group. The performances offer different musicians playing different kinds of genre. The songs are compositions of the bands included in the organization. Although the name of the said organization earned praises and recognition for the past years, the over-all performances of the members and the organization are gradually deteriorating compared to their early glorious days. Its financial status is not stable, few of the members are the only ones who are working for the development of the group, the responsibilities are not well disseminated, and many more. Regarding these problematic details, the purpose of this report is to find out why such things are occurring in the events of the organization. Focusing on a specific event such as the Pound for Pound, this paper will be dealing on finding solutions to the increasing problems of the organization. Beginning from the preparation to the assessment of the event, this will tackle all the necessary information needed for the study. Pound for Pound is an annual event of the U. P Jammers’ Club which is held every late January or early February. After the Freshmeat, which is usually held during the months of July or August, the organization should prepare for the upcoming Pound for Pound for this is considered as their major activity. As early as September, the members are expected to search for sponsors or alliances to help in financing the event. There should be a calendar of activities for members to know when to start working and when to report for the deadlines. Members should already be informed regarding their responsibilities for the event. These are few of the actions done in the past years for Pound for Pound. Unfortunately, the former batch of residences was not able to perform such tasks effectively. What seems to be the problem? The organization has a set of executive committee who is in charge of the planning and decisions. They are the ones who are assigned to designate responsibilities to their own members. If the executive committee is not intact, then all members will not participate well. At that time, there were 30 members in the organization, but seven of them, including the president are dismissed from school because of academic failure and four members filed for inactivity because of financial instability. As a result, only 19 members could work for the organization. Few only have the drive to help the organization. The dilemma seemed to root to the members. This is one of the problems of the organization. There is less manpower and motivation to work as a group. The organization, all-in-all does not have one specific goal. Most of the time, disagreements seem to develop into a more chaotic situation. There are several controversial issues within the group. The organization needs to build a team. Another problem was the delays of every task. Even though there was a prepared plan of activities, most of the time, members tend to delay deadlines because of unfinished tasks. The members adjust time instead of them adjusting with time. The tendency of the delays is to also setback all plans. The postponement of deadlines affected how members work for the organization. Members should realize the importance of professionalism while working. Third problem involves finances and expenses of the said event. The members failed to find sponsors for Pound for Pound. The organization decided to get the event’s budget in the funds of the organization. Wanting to make a good impression, the members decided to get a more expensive sound system for the event. Almost all of the funds went there. The plans of selling merchandised t-shirts, producing publicity materials and earning money were not met because there was inaccuracy in the financial plans. There was only one single plan for the event. Fourth problem involves publicity. This is one of the important parts in conducting event made for the public. Pound for Pound lacked publicity in this year. Few teasers were produced, there were no tarpaulins and the tickets were distributed late. Speaking of tickets, the tickets were more expensive compared to other Pound for Pound events. The public did not want to spend so much making it difficult to sell them. Based upon this situation, Pound for Pound had only few audiences compared to other events done by them. There was discrepancy with the financial records afterwards making it harder to deal with problems regarding finances. Although Pound for Pound made it until the end, it was not very satisfactory. Methodology (Discussions) There are several solutions to this dilemma. First, the organization should work on the internal issues. This is the most important, but most difficult matter to resolve. The U. P Jammers’ Club is considered as a group of individuals. In order to develop a group, one has to understand how a group works. Bruce Tuckman’s four stages of Group Development could help in studying and understanding the group. Tuckman formulated four stages on how to successfully manage a group. The first stage called â€Å"Forming† states the ability of individuals to work with others but avoid such conflicts in a group. People have the desire to be accepted by others so they tend to avoid controversies. Second stage involves â€Å"Storming† wherein more conflicts will arise and individuals will begin to feel their differences and preferences. The third stage â€Å"Norming† is a stage wherein the members of the group are learning to accept each other’s dissimilarities. They begin to become a more cohesive and effective group. â€Å"Performing† is the final stage of Tuckman’s Group Development. Not all groups could arrive to this stage. This is a state where everyone knows each other. Flexibility and Interdependence is developed. Work with team buildings, gatherings and the like to keep the bonding within the members. Know the differences of each other and adjust with them. If there is harmony within the members, working will be easier. Organize. Plan. Act. Organize the members. Know their roles and responsibilities. Be strict with deadlines. Create a plan of activities for the said event and monitor it regularly. Disseminate all the tasks orderly. Let the members know what they have to do and monitor them too. Giving reminders and updates could help in motivating them to work. Think of the possible things that could happen and plan ahead. List all of the possible sponsors and work with it. An event would not be possible if there is not enough budget allotted for it. Use the organization’s resources to help in canvassing equipments needed. Act upon the planned tasks. Encourage members to participate. Give them a little pressure so they could feel responsible for the given tasks. Learn how to prioritize. Most members were said to be inactive because of the failure to meet their academic requirement. Another matter to change is this one. During the past years, good standing is encouraged for members. In this present time, the organization should also monitor this matter. Set limitations. Qualifications The PuRep Agency, a public relations firm, once conducted an event which was similar to Pound for Pound, except, it was better. They were composed of only 5 active members who wanted to create an entertainment for the public. They got bands from the U. P Jammers’ Club and prepared all the necessary operations in less than a month. The agency worked with this event which they called â€Å"Tune up†. They made most of the methods included in this report. This just proves that the proposed methods are effective and possible. Before they even started working, they prepared 3 sets of plans in case problems occur. The agency worked with double effort in looking for sponsors. This means that the organization could look for more major sponsors if they would work on it immediately. All went well and smoothly. Costs (Projected Expenses for the next Pound for Pound) Expenses Amount Team Building 500. 00 Sound System 6000. 00 Venue 3000. 00 Publicity (tarpaulins, t-shirts, teasers, leaflets) 2000. 00 Miscellaneous (transportation, letters, others) 1000. 00 - TOTAL 12500. 00 Schedule Section Month Activity Time August Team Building 1hr activity per week (any convenient day) September Planning 1hr of meeting per week (assigned day) October Release of Sponsorship letter 1 meeting November Look for Sound System and Venue 1st week (canvassing) December Updates 2nd week (2 hrs) Report organizational status Sponsors, Sound System, Venue January Event 4th week (5 hrs) Conclusion This report therefore concludes the solution to U. P Jammers’ Club’s Pound for Pound internal and external dilemma. Group Development is needed to strengthen the credibility of the organization. Plan ahead and act as professional as possible. This proposal would change the way the organization works as a group. Like the PuRep Agency, anything is impossible as long as the group has a single goal. Any organization can succeed as long as they’re united.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Security And Confidentiality On The Internet Information Technology Essay

Security And Confidentiality On The Internet Information Technology Essay On 9th of November 2009 The Internet teacher requested 3000 word report related to the FETAC Internet module. This report was to be submitted by 14th of January2010. The topic of the report is Security and Confidentiality on the Internet with reference to cookies, viruses, encryption, digital signatures, firewalls, filtering software and personal privacy. Recommendations were requested. 2. Method of Procedure I found most of the information on the internet. In order to obtain the relevant information, I used Google Search Engine with keywords in English: Internet Security, Privacy on the Internet, Malware, Computer Viruses, Cookies, Firewalls, Filtering Software, Encryption, Digital Signatures, Computer Protection, Threats on the Internet. Keywords in Lithuanian: Privatumas Internete, Saugumas Intenete, Kompiuteriniai Virusai, UgniasienÄ-s, Filtravimo PrgraminÄ- Ä ®ranga, Ã…Â  ifravimas, Skaitmeninis ParaÃ…Â ¡as, Pavojai Internete. Also, some printed sources of information such as books and a periodical press in English and Lithaunian were adopted. Several pages for each topic were checked to confirm that the information was correct and fully understud. That hepled me to make conclusions and to give recommendations. 3. Findings 3.1 Importance of Subject With the progress of affordable technology more of us store more and more of our life in bits and bytes. By the end of 2009 there was more than 1,5 billion Internet users in 260 countries on every continent. The Internet is not a single network, but a vast array of connected networks situated all over the world, easily accessible by personal computers, notebooks, netbooks, smartphones, PDAs, game consoles, advanced TVs, same photo cameras or even kitchen appliances as hi-tech fridges and microwaves in a variety of ways. Today, the Internet uses gateways, routers, broadband connections, Wi-Fi spots and Internet service providers (ISPs) to make itself available at all times. Individuals and organizations worldwide can reach almost any point on the network without regard to national or geographic boundaries or time of day, there is some exceptions regarding to Internet censorship. Nowadays, it become hard to find the business without any connection to the Internet, because of its excellent source of marketing, convenience, high speed, low cost, and almost unlimited possibilities. Institutions of education, hospitals, banks, institutions of public service, providers of mobile service and internet, utility companies and of course our government has our personal information on their computers and they are connected to the Internet. With the birth of Social Networking Sites such as Bebo, Facebook, MySace, Twitter ect., we sharing our pictures, personal details, our thoughts and lives with friends and if we are not careful with everybody on the Internet. Just Facebook on its own has more than 400 million users. Even more, with new generation of Internet- Cloud Computing, individuals and business users are storing less data on their hard drives and more in the cloud- remote servers, operated by giants like Google and Amazon. However, while using the Internet, along with the convenience and speed of access to information come new risks. Among them are the risks that valuable information will be lost, stolen, corrupted, or misused and that the computer systems will be corrupted. If information is recorded electronically and is available on networked computers, it is more vulnerable than if the same information is printed on paper and locked in a file cabinet. Intruders do not need to enter an office or home, and may not even be in the same country. They can steal or tamper with information without touching a piece of paper or a photocopier. They can create new electronic files, run their own programs, and even hide all evidence of their unauthorized activity. So if we are closing and locking the door in our house to prevent criminals gain access to our valuables, we must take care of our house and life in the digital world and use all possible security and privacy on the Internet measures against the threats. WORLD INTERNET USAGE AND POPULATION STATISTICS World Regions Population ( 2009 Est.) Internet Users Dec.31,2000 Internet Users Latest Data Penetration (%Population) Growth 2000-2009 Users %of Table Africa 991,002,342 4,514,400 67,371,700 6.8 % 1,392.4% 3.9 % Asia 3,808,070,503 114,304,000 738,257,230 19.4 % 545.9 % 42.6 % Europe 803,850,858 105,096,093 418,029,796 52.0 % 297.8 % 24.1 % Middle East 202,687,005 3,284,800 57,425,046 28.3 % 1,648.2% 3.3 % North America 340,831,831 108,096,800 252,908,000 74.2 % 134.0 % 14.6 % Latin America/Caribbean 586,662,468 18,068,919 179,031,479 30.5 % 890.8 % 10.3 % Oceania / Australia 34,700,201 7,620,480 20,970,490 60.4 % 175.2 % 1.2 % WORLD TOTAL 6,767,805,208 360,985,492 1,733,993,741 25.6 % 380.3 % 100.0 % Copyright  © 2001 2009, Miniwatts Marketing Group 3.2 Personal Privacy Total privacy does not exist on the Internet, but it is possible to minimize the risks. Most security breaches are not done by technology, but by social engineering. In security, people is the most risky factor of all, yet its the one thing thats often forgotten. A company may setup firewalls, security software, locks and fingerprint scanners, but if they forget to establish and enforce a well designed security policy, they have forgotten the most important part. The easiest way to get a password from someone is just to ask! In more likely situations, an attacker may simply call random people and pretend they are a tech support person trying to fix a problem, and ask for confidential information as part of the diagnostic. Pretexting Pretexting is the way of stealing information by providing just a little bit of known information, and pretending to be someone youre not. Thats how identity thieves can call banks and, after a few tries, by simply providing basic information about the target, get all the data they want. Phishing Phishing is when you receive an email that looks like its from your bank, Paypal, online shop or another secure site you use, and asking you to login to confirm your information. It works in this way: the criminals sets up a website which looks like the genuine one and then sends phishing email to thousands of people, until they find somebody. Then when the person tries to login, his login information is intercepted by the bad guys and used to steal valuable information. Malware Malicious programs, especially Key loggers can record what keys on the keyboard you are pressing when login to secure websites, to obtain your username and password. Often Key loggers are incorporated together with Trojan Viruses, programs which pretends to be useful software i.e. antivirus or computer maintenance programs, to send stolen information to the criminals. Privacy threats on Social Networking Sites Internet users have to be very careful with the private information that they share on the web. Internet is becoming very popular way to communicate with people. Most people who give too much of private information about themselves arent aware about the risks they taking. There are people who can pretend to be your friends, gain information and use this information against you for blackmailing, psychological terror or for access to secure private pages. Conclusions and Recommendations The offenders are always inventing new methods to steal private information. We have to be aware about that, constantly refresh our knowledge about security and existing scam schemes and take all possible security measures by using trusted up to date security software. Never click a link in an email from unknown sender, never download from an untrusted source, and always type in the address of your financial sites to access them. Need to avoid to disclose sensitive information online especially to the people we dont know very well. Also we have to remember that these attacks also can be done offline. Most identity thefts are done by people simply going through rubbish bins and getting confidential data that was thrown out, like a bank statements, invoices, payslips ect. We cant do much to secure our personal data collected and stored by businesses and institutions which can also be stolen or misused, just hope that they will take same good care as we do. 3.3 Cookies What are Cookies? Cookies are a piece of text that a web server sends to web browser and are stored on a users hard disk. Main purpose of cookies is to help prepare customized web pages with our settings, interests, browsing habits. It works in similar way to loyalty cards i.e. if we bought a book in Amazon internet shop, next time when we come back to Amazon first it will offer similar books to our purchase. Cookies do not act maliciously on computer systems. They are text files that can be deleted at any time. Cookies cant be used to spread viruses. But because any personal information that we gave to a web site will be stored in a cookie some people can accept it as a threat to privacy and anonymity. To prevent misuse of information in the cookie if its stolen, information in the cookie is encrypted. How do They Work? When we visit a site that uses cookies, it can ask the browser to place one or more cookies on the visitors hard drive. It will contain our name and password, fill in form i.e. delivery addresses and basically what we do in the page. Next time, when we come back to the site the web browser sends back the cookies that belong to the site and then we will see personalized Web page with our details. Generally cookies help us to save a little bit of time. And we always have possibility to switch it off, however internet shopping web pages requires cookies to accesses them. How Could I Prevent/Manage Cookies? If we want to delete cookies we have to follow these steps: Internet Explorer: Tools /Internet options/Security /Set security level to high or custom level/Cookies/Disable. Mozilla Firefox: Tools/Options/Privacy/Cookies/Uncheck/Allow sites to set cookies Other options are to use designated Cookie Managing software or to use advanced Antivirus programs which also have the option to control cookies, to block cookies that we dont want and save only the cookies that we want. Conclusions and Recommendations I think that cookies are useful because we can get personalized information to read, do not spend time on security questions where it is necessary to enter a password, we dont have to spend time filling up same forms. Cookies do not collect information saved in the computer, it can contain only private data that we give to a website on our own free will. And if we dont want some cookies we are able to remove them from computer when we want. Some websites such as internet banking, e-shops and similar are impossible to use properly without allowing the cookies. 3.4 Viruses What is a Virus? Computer viruses are small malicious program codes, which are designed by using various techniques to hide themselves inside the executable files. Their aim is to replicate, spread between the computers using removable media or network and to interfere with computer operation: slowing down computer, damaging or deleting data, disturbing users and wasting time by showing annoying massages. Virus can be classified by several characteristic: depend on the origin, on the way how they infect computer, on the place where they hide, on the damage that they can cause However, the computer virus is only one type of the malicious software or malware, but majority of computer users referring to all malicious programs (Trojan horses, worms, rootkits, spyware etc.) as the viruses. Type of Virus Different viruses can have many common characteristics and constantly appearing viruses with new specifications or combinations. Resident Virus. Loads the replication module into RAM memory when is executed, after this virus can infect all files that are accessed by user or operating system. If the antivirus program fails to spot the virus in the RAM it can infect all scanned files. FAT Virus. The File Allocation Table is a fundamental element in the system it works like an index, keeping information where is the files stores on the hard disk drive (HDD), which sectors are empty etc. If this vital index is destroyed by virus, it makes impossible for computer to locate files. It also can overwrite the files or entire directories corrupting them permanently. Sometimes the only solution to fix the computer affected by FAT virus is to format hard disk drive. Huge downside of this is that all information on HDD will be permanently erased. Virus of Direct-Action. Sometimes referred as Non-Resident Virus, they are unlike to resident virus, not loading in to RAM memory. They try to infect the programs and cause damage at the moment of execution of infected file. Most of viruses are Resident. Overwriting Virus. Most destructible type of virus, it overwrites the information in the infected files corrupting them permanently. If you dont have the back-up copy of your files its a bad news because the only way to get rid of this type of virus is to delete infected files. Boot Virus. Also known as System Virus. These viruses infect critical section with boot code on hard disk or another bootable media storage that helps to start computer. When the computer starts up and the boot virus is launched, it can take complete control over infected computer and does everything it wants (steal private information, delete system files etc.) Clean bootable antivirus software required to disinfect the system. However depend on the virus this solution is not enough to clean bootable sector. Macro Virus. Macros are micro-programs associated with a file that serve to automate joint complexes of operation. Macro virus expand from applications which use macro, word document (file with extension .doc),Excel (file with extension .xls) data of Access (file with extension .mdb), Power point (file with extension .pps). When we open a file containing a virus of this type of macros are automatically loaded causing the infection. Most applications that use macros have, but many macro viruses easily circumvent this protection. Multipartite Virus.Very advanced type of virus that can perform multiple infections combining different techniques. These viruses are considered very dangerous, for its ability to combine many techniques of infection and harmful effects of their actions. File Virus. Infect programs or executable files (files with extension .ex and .com) when run the infected program, the virus becomes active, producing different effects. The majority of exiting viruses are of this type. Logic Bombs.Neither virus is considered strictly as they do not reproduce. They are not separate programs, but hides in an unmarked segment within another program.They aim to destroy the data on a computer or cause other significant damage on it when certain conditions are met. While this does not happen, no one notices the presence of the logic bomb. Its action can be extremely destructive. Trojan Virus.Trojan arent considered virus, because they dont replicate themselves. Trojans are commonly hidden in the programs that appliers to be useful, but instead opens unauthorized access to users computer. Trojans also can be installed thorough web pages with executable content (ActiveX control), email attachements. The effects of the Trojan can be very dangerous, allowing remote control from other computer (downloading, uploading, modifying or deleting files), installing key loggers and other malware, connecting computer to botnet (sending SPAM messages, perform network DDos attacks). How can computers become infected and what damage can cause? Viruses can infect computers through: Internet (email attachments, infected web pages, downloading infected files) Computer networks Removable Media Drives Virus Symptoms: The computer runs very slow Reduces the available memory The computer shuts down or freeze frequently There are programs which do not work or malfunction There is less free space on your hard disk Computer files disappear Strange messages appear on the screen. Some file are renamed or extended Conclusions and Recommendations Not everything that affects the normal functioning of a computer is a virus. Is very important to have means to detect and disinfect viruses use an antivirus program and update daily (use default settings). Scan all removable disks before use it and scan computer periodically at least once a week. 3.5 Firewall A firewall is a system that protects a computer or computer networks blocking unauthorized network access while permitting authorized communications. Firewall can be implemented in software, hardware or combination of both. Firewall is placed between protected and unprotected networks and acts as a gate to protect network or single computer, by inspecting network traffic, applying rules and allowing or denying connection. Firewall can use different techniques to do so: Packet filter (inspects every information packet passing through the network) Application gateway (applies rules to specific applications such as FTP, Telnet servers.) Circuit-level gateway(applies rules to TCP or UDP connections, when are made there is no further inspection.) Proxy Server (checks all network activity passing through network.) Conclusions and Recommendations Everyone should use a firewall against network intruders to protect computer and private information. Most of the antivirus programs and operating systems have integrated firewall software. Minor disadvantage of firewall, it can slow down Internet traffic and can be tricky for not advanced users to set-up it properly (not blocking traffic for useful programs). 3.6 Filtering Software The filtering software is designed to control what contents are allowed to be accessed on Internet. Often its installed on the computers of educational, government organizations, private companies. Filtering software is commonly used by parents to prevent their children from having access to certain web places unsuitable for minors. It also can be used as the mean of censorship in some countries. How does it work? Nowadays on the market there are many options of filtering software with various techniques and content filtering to prevent from harmful online material. The filtering programs works like that: Address blocking websites containing such content Controlling access times Accepting default address list Possible to establish your own list of addresses Assigning different profiles or different days and times(work, leisure, etc.) Controlling which services can be used at any time and for each user (mail, chat, etc.) Advantages and disadvantages of Filtering Software. Advantage of filtering software is that does not allow minor to access pages of violence, pornography, racism. In a work place it prevents employees of wasting their time and resources for personal proposes (chatting online, social network pages, etc.). Main disadvantage is over-zealous filtering. Par example, in some filters attempts to block the word sex would block words such as Essex and Sussex and etc. Internet censorship in some countries limits freedom of speech for different reasons and that is not a good thing. Some Filtering Software examples. Netnanny, Mobicop, DansGuard, CleanFeed,Web Sence 3.7 Encryption Its a method to convert the characters of a text that can not be understood unless it is read with the corresponding key. Used to protect the integrity of secret information if it is intercepted. Encryption is also used when data is sent via secure intranet (VSPN). Encryption is used for electronic commerce to protect credit card information. How does it work? The keys are the heart of the encryption. The keys are complex mathematical formulas (algorithms) used to encrypt and decrypt information. If someone encrypts a message, only one with the appropriate key can decrypt the message. Algorithms are used to perform a hash function. This process produces a unique MD5 for this message. The MD5 is encrypted with the senders private key resulting in a fingerprint. Conclusions and Recommendations Everyone who has and important or secret information (banks, hospitals, government, universities, e-commerce sites) they have to keep this information in secret from fraudsters. In recent years, it was few cases when portable computers of government organizations with secret information were lost or stolen. Laptops (portable computers) became more and more popular and most of us have some kind of personal information on our computers. So it is very important to have that information encrypted, in case of losing it. 3.8 Digital Signatures A set of data in electronic form attached to or associated with others which are used to identify the signatory, which allows you to check the provenance, authenticity and integrity of messages exchanged over the Internet. There are two types of electronic signatures: basic and advanced. The basic does not guarantee the identity of the signer, neither the veracity of information received since the sending does not ensure that the issuer has made it known to us, while the advanced signature identifies the signer and detect any subsequent change of data that could occur. The digital signature is a specific techology signature and created by the so-called System Asymmetric key cryptography and it works like that : The holder has two keys : public key and private key ,private key is only known to the issuer and is associated to the information you send .while the person who received only know their public key . Two keys are needed and complement each other to get the encrypted message appears as the original . When we want sent private information the information is encrypted by system which use mathematical operations so the information becames encripted ( strange numbers and letters) so the message only can be deciphered by the people who know the instruction and have a public key Conclusions and Recommendations It should be used by the organitations which have an important or secret information as banks, universities, hospitals, etc., these organitations should use digital signatures in order to avoid the risk of fraud .they have to be sure about the authenticy of the sender.

Personality Theories in Successful Leaders

Personality Theories in Successful Leaders Abstract One question that all good employee thinks is what makes a good leader and how do I become one. It is important to understand what makes a leader and are there certain personality characteristics that make leaders successful. Using the big five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience it will be explored what characteristic’s fit with successful leaders today. This study aims to quantify what of the big five personality dimensions are most present in successful and effective leaders today. It will take 4 teams from 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organization. Hypothesis This study intends to demonstrate with evidence that effective leaders have similar personalities traits based on the big five personalities dimensions. Leadership Was Steve Jobs a good leader or George Washington a good leader? What makes a good leader? Before that is answered, it must be understood what defines leadership and what qualifies as a good leader. Many scientific papers and books try to define leadership some define it as â€Å" leadership involves persuading other people to set aside for a period of time their individual concern and to purse a common goal that is important for the responsibilities and welfare of a group (Hogan, G, Hogan, 1994)â€Å" while others believe it stands it for â€Å"†¦inspiring followers to identify with a vision that reaches beyond immediate self-interest (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† Between the two definitions it is clear a leader must inspire a group of people to go above and beyond and do what is beyond what they will want to do. Not everyone can be a leader there are certain traits we expect out of them. In our everyday life we work for, learn from, and follow leaders. These leaders can be CEO’s, managers, teachers, or even the President of the United States. They should be intelligent, likeable, have strong technical skills to relate to their roles. There are many people in the world with these traits but not every one of them makes a good leader. Based on these assumptions there must some additional traits that separate good leaders from average leaders. A leaders personality must have an effect on how the lead and inspire people to go above and beyond. Looking at a leader from the aspect of the big five personality dimensions might shed some light on what makes a strong leader. Big Five Personality Dimensions For centuries people have classified personalities, even Aristotle have established several categories of classification. The current established theory has been created by Tupes and Christal (1961). This taxonomic structure has five personality dimensions which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. The first factor of the personality dimensions is extraversion. Leaders who possesses high level of extraversion are described of â€Å"sociable, optimistic, expressive, active, and assertive (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† Salespersons often are high-extraversion employees because they enjoy person interaction and thrive in an environment that involves. These employees seek a positive environment to work in because it gives them a sense of security, The second factor of the personality dimensions is agreeableness. Agreeableness can be described as cooperative, trusting and flexible. Employees with a high level of agreeableness tend to be successful in roles that work in groups and require joint efforts between teams. Project managers are a great example of a role someone with agreeableness might hold. Similar to extraversion, agreeableness enjoys the interactions between people but focuses more in the intimacy of relationships between people. The third factor of the personality dimensions is conscientiousness. â€Å"High- conscientiousness individuals tend to be responsible, dependable, hardworking, persistent, and achievement oriented; low-conscientiousness individuals tend to be irresponsible, undependable, and lacking self-discipline (Benoliel Somech, 2014).† High- conscientiousness employees believe they are capable of doing the job and set high achieving goals for themselves. These will employees tent to dive in when the workload gets intensive and will work with others to relief the stress. The fourth factor of the personality dimensions is neuroticism. Neuroticism is a personality dimensions that unlike the other having a high level of is not necessary a good thing. People who have a high level of neuroticism are often described as a worry-ward and insecure. Those with low levels are neuroticism are calm individuals who can handle high amounts of pressure. This is important in a high stakes environment some occupations where one would expect to see people with low levels of neuroticism would be in the medical field such as doctors and nurses or traders on the New York Stock Exchanges floor. The final factor of the personality dimensions is openness to experience. These individuals are creative and the out of the box thinkers. They adjust to change fairly easily and are willing to adjust their behaviors to meet the environment they are in. Method This study aims analysis what big five personality dimensions are most common with effective leaders. An effective leader will add value to any organization and therefore it is important to understand what makes up an effective leader. Additionally it is vital to understand the employees think of this leader. Why is it important to understand an effective leader from one that is not so effective? If we go back throughout history and look at the effect a good leader on the outcome of a situation there is plenty of evidence that shows an effective leader will have a positive impact. To give some examples the explosive growth Steve Jobs had on Apple to in 1997 or George Washington entering the revolutionary war and become the first President. These leaders took a situation that was losing situations and thorough their leadership turns the situation around and makes it extremely successful through hard work and dedication. The first step of this study is to analysis what an effective leader is. To do this the study would work with 100 organizations from fortune 500 companies to non-profit organizations such as universities, charities, and military. From each of the organizations select they study will review 4 teams, within these teams there will be effective leaders and teams and those who are not as effective. By understanding those who have successful leadership compared to those who are not the goal would be see what personality dimensions are prominent. To do these the leaders will take a big five personality test that will quantify how their personality matrix is built. In addition the employees of those leaders will take the test for their leader. This will aim to quantify what dimension of the big five personalities to followers look to the most. This will also help give an unbiased look because leaders might try to skew the results. Once the tests have been completed the study will focus on the effectiveness of those leaders. The study will analysis each team within their organizations to understand their effectiveness. The effectiveness of the team will look at the team’s productivity. The more productive the team the expectation would be the more the effective the leader. Besides the level of productivity the study will also look at the morale of the team. Expected Outcomes Once the data has been collected the results will be analysis to see if there is any positive or negative correlation between the big five personalities dimensions. Among these correlations it would be expect to see that effective leaders will have specific traits in their personalities that make them effective leaders. In the contrary the study will also show the dimensions are negatively affect leadership. Based on expectations I would expect to see the big five dimensions show up in leadership in the following ways. The first personality to analysis would be the extraversion. It would be expected that a leader should have a medium to high level of extraversion. Extraversion involves the socialness of the individual. A leader should be social with the team and keep the optimistic view that will drive the team going forward. The next attribute that is vital to a leader is agreeableness. The expected outcome would be all leaders would have a high level of agreeableness. They will work well with the team and keep everyone on track. There will also make the teams function more effective because leaders do not always have the correct answers and a good interaction between leader and the employees can create a good dialogue that will lead to the best solution. Conscientiousness is one trait that all company want out of their employees have and therefore would be a high expectation of any effective leader. Employee with high levels of conscientiousness are often described as dependable and organized. â€Å"Individuals who are conscientious also tend to preserve, work hard, and enjoy achieving and accomplishing things (BOOK).† Since all conscientious enjoy achieving their goals it is important that leads hold these values. Additionally all leaders should be able to keep their followers organized and focused on the goals ahead. Since cons Neuroticism is the one trait that would be advantageous to have in the lower spectrum. People in the high spectrum are often emotionally unstable. Leaders need to have their emotions in check all the times. The final personality dimensions is openness to experiences which like most of the other dimensions the expectation would be a leader would be on the higher side. Leaders should be open to change and also be a leader of change within an organization. A leader who cannot handle moving parts of everyday business will not be effective. Benefits of research There will be a lot of benefits from the research into what makes an effective leader. If an employee was interesting into taking a leadership role they can take a personality test and see if what areas they are strong in and where they are weak. This can then help them work on improving their skills. For example say an employee is lacking in extraversion assuming it is a primary measure of leadership skills. The employee can be put into situation to help then become more expressive or go to particular training classes to make then more expressive. This will help the organization put in leaders that will lead to change making the teams and organization more effective. Understanding the trains of an effective leader will help human resources as well. Understanding the personalities of employees coming in will help them understand the person potential. Another example is there is an opening for a senior vice president of operation. This department has been suffering for years under the lack of leadership. It will be helpful to know what traits to look for in the new leader. Supporting References The following studies have support this hypothesis and will help provide guidance. Study 1 –Five-Factor mode of personality and transformational leader In this study the authors explore the personality factors of transformational leaders. References Hogan, R., Curphy, G. J., Hogan, J. (1994). What we know about leadership: Effectiveness and personality. American Psychologist, 49(6), 493-504. doi: Benoliel Pascale, Somech Anit (2014) The health and performance effects of participative leadership: Exploring the moderating role of the Big Five personality dimensions, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23:2, 277-294, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2012.717689

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Of Mice and Men, 3 Characters with Loneliness :: essays research papers

Loneliness is the sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned. John Steinbeck brought up the theme of loneliness in many characters in Of Mice and Men. Crooks, Curley?s wife, and Candy expressed the theme of loneliness in many different forms throughout the story. Early in the novella George said, life working as ranch hands is on the loneliness lives to live, for these people finding friendship seems to be impossible. Crooks expressed feelings of loneliness through out Of Mice and Men. Crooks? loneliness is caused because he is black, at the time the story took place there was racism. Since Crooks is black he wasn?t able to socialize with the white men. When Steinbeck describes all of Crooks? possessions, it shows that Crooks has been at the ranch a long time and that his possessions are all the he cares about. In Crooks? room, Lennie comes to talk to him. Crooks is cautious at first, this was from the years of racism that Crooks endured, he learned not to associate with white folk. Steinbeck expresses the theme of loneliness in the character of Candy. Candy is lonely because his is missing half an arm. Candy?s disability separates him from society, an example of Curley being set aside is when everybody else goes to town he is left in the barn with Crooks, Lennie, and Curley?s wife. Candy?s only friendship was with his old, smelly dog. Candy?s dog was a symbol of himself (old, and useless). When Carlson kills Candy?s dog he kills Candy on the inside as well. Curley?s wife had the most pathetic and depressing life. Curley?s Wife spent her whole life trying to grab attention. She was always labeled and ignored by everyone on the ranch, an example of this is when George tells Lennie that she was trouble and to stay away from her. Curley?s wife was ignored and used from early on, when she was given false intentions on being a movie star. Of Mice and Men, 3 Characters with Loneliness :: essays research papers Loneliness is the sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned. John Steinbeck brought up the theme of loneliness in many characters in Of Mice and Men. Crooks, Curley?s wife, and Candy expressed the theme of loneliness in many different forms throughout the story. Early in the novella George said, life working as ranch hands is on the loneliness lives to live, for these people finding friendship seems to be impossible. Crooks expressed feelings of loneliness through out Of Mice and Men. Crooks? loneliness is caused because he is black, at the time the story took place there was racism. Since Crooks is black he wasn?t able to socialize with the white men. When Steinbeck describes all of Crooks? possessions, it shows that Crooks has been at the ranch a long time and that his possessions are all the he cares about. In Crooks? room, Lennie comes to talk to him. Crooks is cautious at first, this was from the years of racism that Crooks endured, he learned not to associate with white folk. Steinbeck expresses the theme of loneliness in the character of Candy. Candy is lonely because his is missing half an arm. Candy?s disability separates him from society, an example of Curley being set aside is when everybody else goes to town he is left in the barn with Crooks, Lennie, and Curley?s wife. Candy?s only friendship was with his old, smelly dog. Candy?s dog was a symbol of himself (old, and useless). When Carlson kills Candy?s dog he kills Candy on the inside as well. Curley?s wife had the most pathetic and depressing life. Curley?s Wife spent her whole life trying to grab attention. She was always labeled and ignored by everyone on the ranch, an example of this is when George tells Lennie that she was trouble and to stay away from her. Curley?s wife was ignored and used from early on, when she was given false intentions on being a movie star.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Australian Values Statement Essay -- Nationalism

On October 15, 2007 the government shifted from a liberal multiculturalist immigration policy to an assimilation policy. This occurs after a change in the political speech. During the early 2000’s the rhetoric became more nationalistic and Australia like many different countries focus on defining its identity. The citizenship eligibility requirements were reinforced and all applicants for provisional and permanent visa have to read and accept the Australian Values statement. These core values of the nation are summarizing by three dot point: â€Å" †¢ Australian society values respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to the rule of law, Parliamentary democracy, equality of men and women and a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good †¢ Australian society values equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background †¢ the English language, as the national language, is an important unifying element of Australian society.† On a first point we will analyse the text and try to understand it purpose and the means use to attain it. Then we will focus on the three dot point and the â€Å"Australian values† defined by the state. The issue of this focus is to know if the state-defined values are promoted and recognize by the media and the population or not and if they really occur in reality. Finally we will express some of the critics made to this â€Å"Australian Values Statement† form. We shall consider first the reasons and goals that pushed the government to create this statement and analyse its writing. On Australia Day 2006, the Prime Minister John Howar... ...Press. Leet, M. (2006). What Are Australian Values, Really? The Brisbane Institute. Leitner, G. (2004). Australia's Many Voices: Ethnic Englishes, Indigenous and Migrant Languages. Policy and Education. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. McGregor, C. (2001). Class in Australia. Melbourne: Penguin. Phillips, T., & Smith, P. (2000). What is 'Australian'? Knowledge and Among a Gallery of Contemporary Australians. Australian Journal of Political Science, pp. 203-224. Randel-moon, H. (2006). ‘COMMON VALUES’: WHITENESS, CHRISTIANITY, ASYLUM SEEKERS. ACRAWSA e-journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, , pp. 1-14. Rossister, J. (2007). Identifying and Measuring "Australian Values". Australian Marketing Journal 15.1, pp. 7-13. Thompson, E. (2001). Challenges to Egalitarianism: Diversity or Sameness ? In Unity and diversity: a National Conversation: Barton Lectures (p. 71). Sydney: ABC Books.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Changing Role of Women in Automobile Advertisements Essay -- Compa

Side-by-side are two advertisements, each showing a picture of a car and two family members. The ads demonstrate the amount of power allotted to women in the times they were made. The differences in these ads far outweigh the similarities. The ad Ââ€"from a 1954 Good Housekeeping Ââ€"shows a woman being reprimanded by her husband for wrecking their car. The otherÂâ€"from a 2003 RedbookÂâ€"shows a wife and mother holding her daughter with one hand and an umbrella with the other. One woman is ignorant, irresponsible, incapable, and not in control; the other is competent, responsible, and in control. The evolution of advertising reflects the changes that have taken place in the way American society views women. The ads use body image, body language, and text to encapsulate the stereotypical women of each era; in the 50's, women needed to be controlled, but now women can be in control. The 1954 ad portrays the ideal woman of that era. This ideal was incredibly unrealistic. She has a tiny waist but large birthing hips. Her feet are small and she's wearing super-high heels. Her hands are petite and feminine, yet she's not holding anythingÂâ€"her purse has fallen to the ground. But, not a hair is out of place, and the elegant skirt and top she is wearing look unharmed, putting even more emphasis on the fact that the man is "wearing the pants." The 1950's society viewed women as incompetent. They needed their husbands to be in control because they could not fend for themselves; when they tried, they "crumpled fenders." Still, the woman in the ad is the ideal womanÂâ€"Barbie. She is only good for looking pretty and having children, otherwise, she can't do anything right. No wonder she is not able to drive the car without wreckingÂâ€"that in... ...rn society sees women as real people with intellect. Instead of not being allowed or perceived as capable of controlling their own lives and situation, today's women are expected to control their own lives without interference or constant dependence on others, or more specifically, their husbands. These advertisements demonstrate just what a drastic change has taken place in the last fifty years. Even though both ads are about cars, the body image, body language, and text portray a striking difference in the view of women. Maybe this change was brought about by the Women's Liberation Movement, maybe such subjugation just cannot last forever. But whatever the cause, the change has definitely taken place. Works Cited "Dodge Caravan." Advertisement. Redbook June 2003: 75. "Safety Power Steering by Saginaw." Advertisement. Good Houskeeping Feb. 1954: 40.

Secrets of Finding and Keeping Good Employees

Lebanese American University Business Department Management Theory Secrets of Finding and Keeping Good Employees Presented to: Dr. N. Beyruti Presented by: Mahdi El Horchi Hussein Marmar Date: 02/10/2006 Introduction: In our days, employment became a hard process in which many managers are complaining about it. In addition, hiring good employees is essential to run a good business on a daily basis and for a long run. Thus, employees would be the heart and the soul of a business. On the other hand, Interviewing is an important process in the preselection of good employees and so opening a gate to have the right person in the right position. Interviewing is an art of gathering information and trying to learn about candidates before selection. Furthermore, Recruitment is a chain of events that could have sequential and disastrous consequences. Thus, designing a good interview should not address or talk about job requirements before the interview starts. On the other side, many savvy applicants could mask their true capabilities and thus inaccurate image could be drawn. Interview Requirements: The interview process should: – Define the position that the applicant is admitting for. – Address questions specific to the position and requires conscious behavior. Check or test the ability of interviewer to do the interview. – Be more scientific and less emotional – Check the steps that are taken for the final hiring process. – Avoid group interviewing that would become a â€Å"game of tag† Consequences of Bad Employment: Bad employees not only affect an employer by driving down sales, co sting the company unwanted expenses due to negligence or simple lack of motivation, but affect customer as well. In addition, wrong decisions and demotivated employees could lead to: – Heightened feelings of stress for the employee in his daily work. – A chain of disastrous events that does irreparable damage. An increase in absenteeism. – Frustrated and angry mangers that try to employ motivation techniques; KITA (kick-in-the-ankle) – A â€Å"lose-lose† situation for all company stakeholders. Hiring Strategies: Selecting and hiring candidates could take several forms: – Interviewing to check the background of the interviewer – Personality characteristics assessments. – Abilities assessments – Interest assessments – Integrated assessments. These assessments facilitate dramatically the hiring process by identifying the thinking styles, occupational interests and behavioral traits and allow the visualization of the â€Å"total person†. To complete the assessment process behavior tendencies play an important role in increasing individual productivity by identifying personal accommodation , assertiveness, attitudes, energy level, independence, objective judgment, sociability, manageability and decisiveness. Keeping and Maintaining Good Employees: As important as attracting good employees is, it is just as important to retain them. As always, benefit packages help to retain employees. After spending as much time as you should have in attracting good employees, it only makes sense that you would go to certain lengths to keep them. Essential tools in keeping and maintaining good employees: – Offer opportunities for personal growth. – Build an organization culture that appreciates personal achievement and performance. – Construct a newsletter that nominates the employee-of-the-month. – Sustain a comfortable environment that empowers employees. – Understand that many employees are motivated by their social networks at work. – Encourage team involvement. – Make benefits more accessible. – Create clear paths at the company. – Share challenges and successes. Hiring and retaining good employees goes hand in hand; and the assessment process should be tested for their ability and reliability to establish a â€Å"win-win† situation for people to be happier, produce more and experience less stress. In addition organizational culture should build into it an employer recognition and appreciation to look to their strengths over their weaknesses and their power over their problems. Finally, companies should be aware of matching the right person to the right job and secure its employees in a more convenient and comfortable environment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Money Ruining Football Essay

Is silver ruining footb forevery(prenominal) game game game? peerless of the most talked about topics in football. Some fans think that it is a marvelous thing, a dream come veritable however others seem to disagree. Is all of this gold in modern day football ruining it? From all this bullion football seems to become a victim of its experience success. One main part of this currency beingness in football is out-of-pocket to a lot of baseball familiaritys having orthogonal birthership.It all came about in 2003 when Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea FC and since therefore he has put in hundreds-upon-hundreds of millions of his own money into the bludgeon Chelsea have since won nine major trophies including three premier group discussion titles and most recently the UEFA Champions League. inference that wealth place indeed sully honours in the world of football. Since and so half of the 20 Premier League enneads be flat owned by foreigner investors. Those clubs are Arsenal, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, QPR, Reading, Southampton and Sunderland.Perhaps the most owing(p) of them all is politician and member of the judgment family of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Manchester City. Since he has bought the club in 2008 he has fatigued all over ? 425 of his own money to bribe first squad shammers for the club. The highest fee that has ever been gainful for a footballer is ? 80 million for Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United to Real Madrid, this is a major difference to what the highest fee in 1928 the highest amount paid for a role player was ? 10,000.The maximum wage has was also except ? 12 a week and players got a ? 650 bonus if they stayed at the club for 5 years whereas forthwithadays the most paid players is on ? 250,000 pound a week. This exceeding money being spent to collect a footballer to a club doesnt necessarily mean that the player is any better th an another it rigorously is just saying that the club has often money than the others. This is having a negative nucleus on football as instantly players are playing for the money and at a time not the club that they are playing for.It is also very unfair on rival in the same fusion meaning the richer team has an advantage as they sess pay crazy amounts to fuck off a player but a raise away team can decease very little meaning the competition on less competitive. So if your club has more money it then overstretchs players who are better k straightaway where less k this instantn clubs have to settle on lower honorarium meaning that the players that they buy get out be on a much less wage than those of a higher(prenominal) team. One big problem hat money has is the risk of the football club going bust. The most recognisable of those clubs soon in major financial rag is former Premier League club Portsmouth, now of League One. The club is before long in boldness an d runs the risk of being non existant. This has come from the club over slip awaying on players and the yield the players been given far too much than what they realistically should be on. Last while Premier League clubs shared a staggering ? 68 million in television revenue, if the Premier League were to enfold a safety pot of money (? 9. 68 million) for football league and group clubs so that in severe cases clubs can apply for grants to arrest them going into administration/save clubs from going bust. Having an owner with millions to lapse isnt always as approximate as it sounds since it runs the risk of your club vanishing forever. One of the major things though is the rise in shred prices.Football used to be called the on the job(p) class edition but now it is an expensive pastime and something that the average operative class man struggles to afford. This is shown at St. crowd Park when in 1992/9 3 you were able to get an adult flavour ticket for some ? 122 but present tense the average season ticket is around ? 500 which shows how expensive football is now getting and that in 20 years there has been a 150 percentage rise in prices.It seems that football is now slowly changing from a working class sport to a sport for those who are wealthier. The only solution to stop money from continuing to ruin football is by Uefa the governing body of football to try and do something about it by introducing salary caps or by lay in place move caps so only certain amounts of money can be spent in the transfer market and this would have an effect on agent fees, sponsorship and TV deals which would then ticket prices could be lowered and that clubs could still turn a profit.Another thing is putting a limit on how many foreign players you can have in your team which would mean more home-grown players would be in the team and then less wages would be spent and transfer prices to attract players from overseas and this would mean teams would need to spend more money on youthfulness academies rather than looking all over the world for players to spend ridiculous amounts of money on. Football is no longer round into a sport, it is a business that is now worth millions and millions of pounds and this is taking the game to its knees. By Reece Paterson.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devoted Son

Devoted Son

Analytical essay In the story â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai. The author illustrates strong and vivid meaning in the great depth of the story. The Author portrays a truth. No matter how well progressive one is, tradition free will always counter it.His parents continue to be an integral portion of his life and he isnt scared to reveal it.We can’t have this happening again. †(Desai, 79). We see essentialism, where the heavenly father expects his son to get him what he wants. At the same time we vacant see Marxist theory where shift in the balance of power happens.You smile, and the remainder of apply your entire body will catch on.

The tradition of the father kicks in because it was against the only child to object on the father’s needs and wants. The essentialism here is clear. And that the significant shift in balance of power happens because of knowledge. Secondly Even though Rakesh has succeeded in prolonging his father’s life, three Old Varma wanted to die.It is tricky to describe the sensation.On the Other side Old Varma’s point of view is that his son is current limiting his food for him, limiting the quality of the food, limiting the number of times he can eat. Rakesh rejects his father’s desires, where Varma sees it as torture. He complains to his neighbour about that.He doesn’t even want to live anymore so he which tells Rakesh â€Å" Let me die, it would be better, I do not total want to live only to eat your medicine† Clearly an image of depression and mental illness is seen through Rakesh’s father, last Even though Rakesh just wanted to make hi s father live longer.Rogers life has been full of love due to his family members and friends.

Dalymple. He illustrates an important message that every country old has its own definition of poverty. Corruption has started by the government. â€Å"Theyll find her a new flat.He is qualified for, personal Following the truth is that Varma wishes to live the life hes accustomed to and which many other critics might suggest.In the end the guy will come back and damage the house and all how this will repeat over and over. One of the literary devices in this quote is sarcasm. â€Å"†¦because its unacceptable poverty in this day and age to live without them. [ furniture, television, and refrigerator]† The author sarcastically expresses his opinion on poverty in UK.My husband and Ive been married for over 35 decades.

They get spoiled by luxury. Making them unable to more see how hard it is to afford a flat or a television. This quote also what has situational irony. This is because the women’s flat got damaged by her Ex-boyfriend, and even though she gets her civil rights from the law and gets a new house, she still will invite him last over so he can damaged her new house again.My dad is still in shock at the moment, she explained.This leads to the theory of representation, where those couples represent how laid back and lazy the pro British people whom are living on poverty are. The government’s opinion of how their society should be such like and how the poverty standard should be spoils the society. Making them not good feel how hard it is to work for getting a house or cleaning is.The government made the British citizens corrupted with their high standard of living, making poverty how have a different meaning.Ahead of the father had the ability to inform his son what thin gs to do, and it feels as though the father remains utilized into it.

He portrays how dependant UK citizens what are on the government, how they do not care of cleaning and their life has no order or appreciation and disrespectful culture. This shows Discrimination theory of difference.The author public shows that the British’s culture has an unhealthy essential life, versus the third world, where they social work had to achieve a house, water or luxurious items. Narrator talks about the struggle going on to achieve a house.The families had lots of admiration.While as UK’s poverty has a very high standard, the citizens do not know how hard it is to live, and they abuse the laws. Therefore every country what has it is own definition of poverty. In the documentary â€Å"Ban into Brothers†, Briski gives her view on an extremely important message. This message is that parents and society are the major influences on a childs future.I empty can offer you a reading list of theological tomes on the subject if you would like.

On the other hand, Avijit is a particular drug addict (hash). Basically, Avijit is living in the very lowest class. He has no home, wired and education is not easy for him. Avijit says: â€Å"We dont have enough time to live let alone to study.Talk about how the both of youd like decision making to perform the job.Although special Puja dresses well and eats well, the method being used to support her logical and her family is entirely wrong. This leads to the analytical theory of commodotisation. Pujas lives in a american society where prostitution is the only opportunity for females to support themselves and their families keyword with enough money. This is evident when Pujas family pulls her out of school early in order to make more money, sooner, to better support their family.Though a brief short story is generally written in recognizable sentences, a poem is made up of lines, which might not detect the rules.

In conclusion, in all 3 previous steps, there is one common truth. In the stories of â€Å"What is poverty† by T. Dalymple, â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai, and â€Å"born into brothels† by Zana Briski we see the common particular universal truth of, Education and Society raises one’s level into the world and community.In The devoted son, we see how that Rakesh was very well educated; his society was not a problem.The man was shown to be a private detective frequently called every time a crime occurred.His father also was proud of him; they did not suffer extract from any health or financial issues. Rakesh was lucky to be one of the people whom are on the higher level. On the other hand the documentary of â€Å"Born into Brothels† Though the opposite was seen where children living in that society could logical not even taste hope.That society only allowed the girls to become prostitutes and men to become pimps if they wanted to make mone y to live with the basic physiological needs.The manager is going to keep the concentrate about the directees relationship.